Sunday, January 23, 2011

Growing in maturity - Keeping commitments

All long time ago, a very simple directive was dropped into my heart.  It was in regards to what God would have me share with others.  Very simply put, it was no more than this.."When a door is open for you to speak to my people, share only what I put on your heart.  So in the spirit of that directive, is the posting of this blog.

OK so here is a dirty word in a immature, self serving, emotionally based world and sadly to say, in some of our American churches.  That's right the word is commitment.   No worries there is a long bony figure pointing my direction as well!   Commitment is the beginning of stability.  It is the beginning of security for those you love.  It is an anchor for young ones.  It is one marking of a selfless life. It takes a life time to grow into and has way of determining the outcome of our futures. 

This may seem kinda lame to say, but the greatest commitment we can make is to the cause of Christ.  OK your right it's lame because its kinda a romantic ideal, hard to get the heart and mind around.  What I will say is this, it is a commitment to God's revealed plan for your life.  It is the commitment to the time and season you are in.  If you are single, it is the commitment to God's plan of preparation for someone.  If your married its a commitment to developing as a servant.  If your in leadership in a church it is a commitment to your word being your bond.  Ultimately it is a commitment to the work of grace to make you a beautiful fragrance for the single benefit of someone else.

So how are you feeling about maturity right now?? Yeah really.. me too! So anyway my family and I are in a season of cultivating commitment. Pray for us because we want God's best for us and we will likewise do the same for you.  Comments are welcome and share what commitment looks like in your life or family.  Let us grow in the grace of God together!

In Christ love,